Piano Students receive honor ratings at local, district, state and regional competitions…
Congratulations to these students for their accomplishments and to their teacher, Carol. It takes dedication from the students and the student’s parents along with a competent teacher to succeed in competition.
2014 Focus on Piano Literature held at UNCG:
Carol Fifield was invited to have students perform at the 2014 Focus on Piano Literature held at UNCG. This was the sixth focus in which Mrs. Fifield has been invited to have students perform.
Congratulations to Helen Ni, Aaron Guo, and Elaine Guo on their performances at this event.
At the North Carolina Music Teachers Association District Contest – Festival held at UNCG in March:
Sahana Giridharan received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Siana Wong received a Superior Rating at the Junior B level.
Students receiving Superior Ratings at the Junior B, Senior A, and Senior B levels advance to the State level of competition.
At the NCMTA State Contest – Festival held at Queens University of Charlotte in April:
Sahana Giriharan received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Siana Wong received a Superior Rating at the Junior B level.
Superior ratings entitle these students to perform in honors recitals at the NCMTA State Convention in October at Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC.
Royal Conservatory Music Development Program:
Mitra Faezi received First Class Honors at the Grade 3 performance assessment.
Taylor Yang received First Class Honors at the Grade 3 performance assessment.
Felix Zhan received First Class Honors at the Grade 5 performance assessment.
At the GMTA Solo and Ensemble Festival held at UNCG in February:
Grace Pan received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Claire Wong received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Michelle Yang received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Tiffany Zhan received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Michelle Zhu received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Larry Gu received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Gavin Kwon received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Kevin Lee received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Mitra Faeizi received an Excellent Rating at the Intermediate A level.
Emily Zhang received an Excellent Rating at the Intermediate A level.
Joel Kwon received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Felix Zhan received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Steven Chen received an Excellent Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Amir Faeizi received an Excellent Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Siana Wong received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Claire Wong received a trophy, having received a Superior Rating for two consecutive years.
Congratulations to Aaron and Elaine Guo, Alternate winners at the state level of the 2014 MTNA-Weekley & Arganbright Piano Duet (one piano/four hands) Competition.
Aaron and Elaine were also selected to perform at the 2014 NCMTA State Conference Piano Master Class given by Canadian pianists Anne Louise-Turgeon and Edward Turgeon. Duo Turgeon is critically acclaimed as one of the top piano duos of our time. Below is a video of Aaron’s and Elaine’s performance at this event.

perform City Dance by Chu Wanghua at the Duo Turgeon Piano Master Class held at the 2014 NCMTA State Conference, Methodist University, Hensdale Chapel, October 18, 2014.
Aaron Guo, Elaine Guo, Carol Fifield Carol Fifield, Helen Ni Student performers at 2014 Focus
June 7 · · Taken at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro – UNCG
Mrs. Fifield was invited to have students perform on the 2014 Focus. This was the sixth focus in which she has been invited to have students perform. Helen Ni performed the Sonata III in D minor, Wq. 54, No.3, C.P.E. Bach, and Aaron and Elaine Guo performed the Duet in A major, Op.18, No.5, I. Allegretto, J.C. Bach at the 3:15 pm recital at the Recital Hall, UNCG Music Building on June 7th, 2014.
Sahana Giridharan Siana Wong
Congratulations to Siana Wong, who received Superior ratings at the Junior B level for the 2014 NCMTA District and State Piano Contests.
They both performed on Honors Recitals in October at the NCMTA State Conference, which was held at the Methodist University, Fayetteville NC.