Piano Students receive honor ratings at local, district, state and regional competitions…
Congratulations to these students for their accomplishments and to their teacher, Carol. It takes dedication from the students and the student’s parents along with a competent teacher to succeed in competition.
At the North Carolina Music Teachers Association District Contest – Festival held at UNCG in March:
Hubert Liu received a Superior Rating at the Senior B level.
Elaine Guo received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Siana Wong received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Anna Yang received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Evelyn Chang received a Superior Rating at the Junior B level.
David Zhang received a Superior Rating at the Junior B level.
Students earning a Highest Honors rating at Junior B, Senior A and Senior B levels advance to the State PPF.
At the NCMTA State Contest – Festival held at Queens University of Charlotte in April:
Hubert Liu received an Excellent Rating at the Senior B level.
Elaine Guo received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Siana Wong received an Excellent Rating at the Senior A level.
Anna Yang received a Superior Rating at the Senior A level.
Evelyn Chang received a Superior Rating at the Junior B level.
David Zhang received a Superior Rating at the Junior B level.
Superior ratings entitle these students to perform in honors recitals at the NCMTA State Convention in October at Wake Forest University in Winston Salem, NC.
Royal Conservatory Music Development Program:
Evelyn Chang received First Class Honors: Level 7 Practical Examination.
Elaine Guo received First Class Honors: Level 9 Practical Examination.
At the GMTA Solo and Ensemble Festival held at UNCG in February:
Alexandra Deng received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Colson Hartness received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Olivia Li received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Stephen Yang received a Superior Rating at the Elementary A level.
Claire Hua received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Grace Pan received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Claire Wong received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Michelle Yang received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Molly Yang received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
Michelle Zhu received a Superior Rating at the Elementary B level.
James Hua received an Excellent Rating at the Intermediate A level.
Madison Chambers received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Evelyn Chang received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Henry Peng received an Excellent Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Taylor Yang received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
David Zhang received a Superior Rating at the Intermediate B level.
Aaron Guo received a Superior Rating at the Advanced level.
Elaine Guo received a Superior Rating at the Advanced level.
Hubert Liu received a Superior Rating at the Advanced level.
Siana Wong received a Superior Rating at the Advanced level.
Anna Yang received a Superior Rating at the Advanced level.
Claire Hua, Claire Wong, Molly Yang, Madison Chambers, Taylor Yang, Aaron Guo, and Anna Yang received trophies having received Superior Ratings for two consecutive years.
David Zhang at Gateway Piano Studio David Zhang with Mrs. Fifield Evelyn Chang with her 2016 Junior B NCMTA Music Contest-Festival District and State Superior Rating Certificates at Gateway Piano Studio

Anna Yang with her 2016 Senior A NCMTA Music Contest-Festival District and State Superior Rating Certificates at Gateway Piano Studio Elaine Guo with her 2016 Senior A NCMTA Music Contest-Festival District and State Superior Rating Certificates at Gateway Piano Studio